The Samaritans of New York thanks everyone for their support for 10th Annual Soirée.
Donations and/or payment for auction items can be processed by entering the amounts below. 


Package Name Amount Quantity Subtotal

Individual Ticket Sold Out

Sponsor Table (5 included) Sold Out

Donations and/or Auction Payments


 Join Host Committee Chair 

Wes Puryear, Executive Director
JP Morgan Chase & Company
Samaritans Board President

"This year marks a decade of
Samaritans board, our friends and
supporters efforts to positively affect
the lives of so many in need.

I look forward to seeing so many of
you who have played such a crucial
role in our journey at our biggest and
most exciting event ever.”

Donate to the Silent Auction 
Download the auction donation FORM

Become an Event Sponsor
Please contact Varun Sudhakar
Or download the sponsorship FORM


Help Samaritans raise $100,000 for
our 24-hour suicide prevention
hotline, community prevention
education program and services for
survivors of suicide loss.

With over 100 caring volunteers from
NYC’s culturally diverse
communities donating 30,000 hours
($875,000 in free labor), every dollar
you donate becomes $3

What your donation buys:

$500 pays for a School Suicide
Awareness Presentation for NYC
school students and teachers

$1,000 covers all the related costs
tied to each bi-monthly Survivor of
Suicide Loss Support Group Meeting

$2,000 pays for one day of operation
of NYC’s 24-hour suicide hotline’s
ability to respond to 200 calls

$5,000 funds a Suicide Prevention
Professional Development Training
Conference for 150-200 NYC school
counselors and health providers