The Samaritans of New York thanks everyone for their support for Midtown Mardi Gras 2018.
Donations and/or payment for auction items can be processed by entering the amounts below. 


Package Name Amount Quantity Subtotal

All Mardi Gras Tickets Sold Out
0 Remaining

Donations and/or Auction Payments


      Join Host Committee Chair     

Wes Puryear, Executive Director,
JPMorgan Chase & Co.
Samaritans Board President

Donate to the silent auction 
Download auction donation FORM

For Sponsorship Opportunities
Please contact Fiodhna O'Grady
Phone: 212-677-3009


Help Samaritans raise $75,000 for
our 24-hour suicide prevention
hotline, education and survivor programs.

With over 100 volunteers donating
$750,000 in free labor annually,
every $1 you donate becomes $3

What your donation buys:
*$500 allows us to run a free support
meeting for survivors of suicide loss
*$1,000 funds Samaritans 24-hour
hotline for one day/about 200 calls
*$5,000 pays the costs of training
school health providers in one borough